Week 1 Introduction
 Course introduction
 Application of course
 Internet and its impacts on our daily life
 Advantages &disadvantages of the internet
 Internet browsing
 Uploading
 Downloading
 Email handling
 Workplace ethics
 Home Assignment
Week 2 Introduction to Web, Web Browsers, Scripting Language
 Basic Terminologies of the Web
 Web Browser
 Web Server
 Website
 Scripts
 Applets
 Activex Controls
 Web Pages Types
 Scripting Languages
 Head
 Title
 Body
 How to use html tags
 Heading
 Paragraph
 Line break
 Horizontal rule
 Bold
 Italic
 Underline
 Teletype text
 Big
 Small
 Task – 1
 Task – 2
 Task – 3
 Task – 4
 Task – 5
 Task – 6
 Task – 7
 Emphasis
 Citation
 Strong
 Lists
 Including comment in html document
 Including an external file in document
 Image
 Linking to local files
 E-mail
 Bgsound
 Embed
 Hyper graphics
 Home
 Preformat
 Special characters
 Html escape sequences
 Extra spaces
 Hex-dec & color basics
 Blink
 Marquee
 Font
 Superscripts and subscripts
 Tables
 Meta
 Frames
 Floating frames
 Adding forms to web page
 Menu select
 Text input element
 Password input element
 Text area input element
 Radio buttons
 Check boxes
 Submit and reset buttons
 Button
 Task – 8
 Task – 9
 Task – 10
 Task – 11
 Task – 12
 Task – 13
 Task – 14
 Task – 15
 Task – 16
 Task – 17
 Task – 18
 Monthly Test 1
Week 5 Web Development Part 2: Cascading Style Sheets
 Attributes of font
 Attributes of background
 Attributes of text
 Task – 19
 Task – 20
 Task – 21
 Atributes of margin
 Attributes of border
 Style sheets
 Events used in DHTML
 Workplace ethics
 Task – 22
Week 6 Bootstrap
 Introduction to Bootstrap4
 BS Grid Basic
 BS Typography
 BS Tables
 BS Images
 BS Jumbotron
 BS Alerts
 BS Buttons
 BS Pagination
 BS List Groups
 BS Dropdowns
 BS Collapse
 BS Tabs/Pills
 BS Navbar
 BS Forms
 BS Inputs
 BS Carousel
 Home Assignment
Week 7 Web Development JavaScript
 What is JavaScript?
 Advantages of JavaScript
 Limitations of JavaScript
 JavaScript Development Tools
 Syntax
 JavaScript Outputs
 Comments in JavaScript
 Variables
 Data Types
 Variable Scopes
 Variable Names
 Reserved Words
 What is an Operator?
 Arithmetic Operators
 Comparison Operators  Logical Operators
 Bitwise Operators
 Assignment Operators
 Task – 23 Assignment
 Miscellaneous Operators
 Workplace ethics (See Workplace Ethics
Week 8 JavaScript Conditions, Loops
 If-Else Statement
 Series of If-Else
 The for Loop
 While Loop
 Do-While Loop
 Switch case
 Loop Control
 Break Statement
 JQuery
 The Continue Statement
 Using Labels to Control the Flow
 For-In Loop
 Freelancing concepts, how to start, step by step process from account opening to taking orders and contract signing etc
 Freelancing platforms
 Tips for how to increase earning
 Task – 24
 Task – 25
 Task – 26
 Monthly Test 2
Week 9 JavaScript Functions
 Function
 Nested Functions
 Function () Constructor
 Function Literals
 Objects
 User-Defined Objects
 The new Operator
 The Object () Constructor
 Defining Methods for an Object
 Errors and Exceptions
 The try…catch Statement
 The throw Statement
 The onerror() Method
Week 10 PHP
 What is PHP
 Syntax Overview
 Commenting PHP Code
 Task – 27
 Task – 28
 Variables
 Constants
 Differences between constants and variables
 Operators
 The If Statement
 The if. . . else Statement
 The if. . . elseif. . . else Statement
 The Switch Statement
 PHP Loops
 The for loop statement
 The while loop statement
 The do…while loop statement
 The for each loop statement
 The break statements
 Task – 29
 Task – 30
 Task – 31
 Task – 32
 Task – 33
Task – 34
Week 11 PHP + Database
 String Concatenation Operator
 Using the strlen() function
 Using the strpos() function
 Array
 PHP Functions
 PHP Function Arguments
 What is MySQL?
 PHP + MySQL Database System
 Database Queries
 Facts About MySQL Database
 Should I Use MySQLi or PDO?
 MySQLi Installation
 PHP Create a MySQL Database7
 Create a MySQL Database Using MySQLi
 Create a MySQL Table Using MySQLi
 Insert Data Into MySQL Using MySQLi
 Get ID of The Last Inserted Record
 Insert Multiple Records Into MySQL Using MySQLi
 Select Data From a MySQL Database
 Select Data With MySQLi
 Task – 35
 Task – 36
 Task – 37
 Task – 38
 Delete Data From a MySQL Table Using MySQLi
 Update Data In a MySQL Table Using MySQLi
Week 12 Desktop Application Development Part 1: Object Oriented Programming
 Introduction to Software
 Software Tools Introduction
 Introduction to Compiler
 Defining the Main Method
 What is class
 Attributes
 Functions
 Mapping real life objects.
 (.) operator
 What is object
 Creating object.
 Calling attributes and functions via object
 Objects and Array of Objects
 Storing Customers Data
 Customer Model Class
 Generating Data
 Printing Data
 Sorting Data
 Constructor
 this vs super
 Contractor Overloading
 Destructor
 Monthly
Test 3
Week 13 Mid Term Examination
Week 14 Desktop Application Development Part 2: JAVA
 Review of trainees performance
 Inheritance
 Parent Class
 Child Class
 Extends Keyword
 Calling’s parent properties
 Calling’s parent functions
 Advantages of Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Static Binding
 Task – 39
 Dynamic Binding
 Advantages of polymorphism.
 Complete OOP overview with Sample Project
Week 15 Desktop Application Development Part 2: JAVA
 The Java Virtual Machine
 Installing JDK
 Installing IDE
 Variables and data types
 Conditional and looping constructs
 Arrays
 Fields and Methods
 Constructors
 Overloading methods
 Garbage collection
 Nested classes
 Overriding methods
 Polymorphism
 Making methods and classes final
 Abstract classes and methods
 Interfaces
 Configuring applets
 Applet capabilities and restrictions
 JAVA SWING graphical user interface
 Task – 40
 Task – 41
 Task – 42
 Task – 43
 Task – 44
 Task – 45
Week 16 Desktop Application Development Part 3: Database System (SQL Server)
 Introduction
 Basic Concepts and Definitions
 Data
 Data Versus Information
 Metadata
 Data Models
 Relational Databases
 Database Management Systems
 Enhanced entity-relationship
 (EER) model
 Normalization
 Monthly Test 4
 Data Manipulation Language(DML)
 Data Control Language(DCL)
 Transaction Control Language(TCL)
 Workplace ethics (See details at annexure II)
Week 17 DBMS
 SQL – Create Database
 SQL – Drop Database
 SQL – Select Database
 SQL – Create Table
 SQL – Drop Table
 SQL – Insert Query
 SQL – Select Query
 SQL – Where Clause
 SQL – AND & OR Clauses
 SQL – Update Query  SQL – Delete Query
 SQL – Like Clause
 SQL – Top Clause
 SQL – Order By
 SQL – Group By
 Freelancing sites and starting actual work been started
 Task – 46
Week 18 JDBC
 Java Database Connectivity
 JDBC Product
 Types of Drivers
 Two-Tier Client/Server Model
 Three-Tier Client/Server Model
 Basic Steps of JDBC
 Creating and Executing SQL Statement
 The Result Set Object
 Working with Database Metadata
 Interface
 Job market& job search
 Job related skills.
 Interpersonal skills
 Communication skills
Week 19 Mobile Application Development
 Basics of Android (Introduction to Android Studio)
 Installing Android Studio. (Sdk)
 Setting up emulator.
Going through With Android Studio (Explanation of IDE).
 Packages , API Levels
 Creating Hello World App In Android
 Creating First App.
 Resources folders.
 Gradle (app level, project level).
 Manifest File.
 Intro To Layouts
 Relative Layout
 Linear Layout
 Frame Layout
Week 20 Tables Job search
 Table Layout
 Constraint Layout
 ScrollView
 Main Building Blocks (Part 1)
 Activities
 Activity lifecycle
 Customize Back Press Button
 Intents
 Main Building Blocks (Part 2)
 Launch Activity
 Moving Between Activities
 Transfer Data Between Activities
 Activities Stack
 Session on CV Building.
 How to make notable CV.
 Dos and Don’ts of CV making.
 Task – 47
Test 5
Week 21
 Session on Self-Employment
 How to start a Business.
 Requirements ( Capital, Physical etc)
 Task – 48
Business Development & entrepreneurship Employable Project/Assignment (6 weeks (i.e 21-26) in addition of regular classes.
 Benefits/Advantages of self-employment
 Guidelines to the Trainees for selection of students employable project like final year project (FYP)
 Assign Independent project to each Trainee
 A project based on trainee’s aptitude and acquired skills.
 Designed by keeping in view the emerging trends in the local market as well as across the globe.
 The project idea may be based on Entrepreneurship.
 Leading to the successful employment.
 The duration of the project will be 6 weeks
 Ideas may be generated via different sites such as:
 https://1000projects.org/
 https://nevonprojects.com/
 https://www.freestudentprojects.com/
 https://technofizi.net/best-computer-scienceand-
 Final viva/assessment will be conducted on project assignments.
 At the end of session the project will be presented in skills competition
 The skill competition will be conducted on zonal, regional and National level.
 The project will be presented in front of Industrialists for commercialization
Week 22 Views
 List View and Grid View
 Simple List View
 Add Layout
 Add data
 Display in activity
 Customize List View
 Add Model(Data plus model class)
 Add controller(Adapter Class)
 Task – 49
 Add View(Activity or Fragment)
 Customize List View
 Add On Item Click Listner
 Select and implement functionality on every list
 Send list Item data in new Activity
 Display data on new Screen like Daraz or AliBaba.
 Session on General Overseas Employment opportunities.
 Job search Avenues.
 Visa Processes and other necessary requirements.
 Immigration Information (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance & Travel Insurance)
Week 23 Form Elements
 Buttons
 Input Fields
 Output Fields
 Images etc
 Handling Events.
 Fragments
 Launch Fragment
 Pass data using Bundle
 Load fragment on click
 Swipe Fragments
 Activity vs Fragment
 Fragment Lifecycle
 Dependency on Activity
 Separate Front End & Back End
 Selection of one country from countries of destination (Gulf Countries, Malaysia, South Korea etc)focusing on:-
I. Trade specific Job Prospects and Earning levels in that country.
II. Country Specific Labor laws, entry and exit requirements (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance & Travel Insurance etc.).
 Task – 50
 Task – 51
Week 24 Frontend Designing Oversees Employment
 Frontend Designing
 Relative Layout for Placement
 Linear Layout for responsiveness
 Scroll View for infinite Scrolling
 UI
 Multiple Files with one screen
 Based on size
 Based on orientation
 UI for tablets devices
 Services
 Services Life Cycle
 Activity and service
 Start Service
 Stop Service
 Saving user information
 Shared Preferences
 Key Value Pair
 Remove and clear functions.
 Counter Example.
 Introducing SQLite
 SQLite Open Helper and creating a database
 Opening and closing a database
 SQLite & Paper DB 93
 FireBase
 Saving user information
 Working with cursors Inserts, updates, deletes Selection of another country from countries of destination (Gulf Countries, Malaysia, South Korea etc)focusing on:- i. Trade specific Job Prospects and Earning levels in that country.
ii. Country Specific Labor laws, entry and exit requirements (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance & Travel Insurance etc.).
Monthly Test 6
Week 25 Sensors
 Sensors
 Working with sensors
 Gravity Sensor
 Task – 52
 accelerometer sensor
 Repositories (upload project on bit bucket)
 Async
 Web view
 Exploring Libraries
 What is Github?
 Button Library
 Image Zoom Library
 Glide in detail
 Android Web view
 Display website on android app.
 Use website as an android app,
 Async Task
 Action on Start
 Action on Progress
 Action on complete
 Self-employment
 Freelancing sites
 Final Project Demonstration/Examination Entrepreneur ship and Final Assessment in project
 Business Incubation and Acceleration
 Business Value Statement
 Business Model Canvas
 Sales and Marketing Strategies
 How to Reach Customers and Engage CxOs
 Stakeholders Power Grid
 RACI Model, SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis
 SMART Objectives
 OKRs
 Cost Management (OPEX, CAPEX, ROCE etc.)
 Final Assessment

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    We focus on technologies like Routing & Switching, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, Web Development, Graphic Designing, SEO, Digital Marketing, Operating Systems, etc.

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